Multiple part number search

This request outputs all available parts for one or multiple part number. The response includes title, description, part status, OE number, criteria, images, PDF documents etc. It is possible to search for max. 50 part number. Only exact searchs are supported now.

Query URL

Query parameter

Name Type Required Example Description
country String Yes CN This is the country code according to ISO 3166.
lang String Yes EN This is the language code according to ISO 639.
partNumber String Yes 0 001 107 405 Part numbers to search in database. Min. 1 and max. 50 parts number can be requested with one call.
page Integer No 1 Page number when the results are split to several pages.
perpage Integer No 1 Number of items per page.

JSON Input

    "country": "CN",
    "lang": "EN",
    "partNumbers": [
       "0 001 107 405",
    "page": 1,
    "perpage": 15,
    "fullResult": true


A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response with following parameter.

Name Type Example Description
totalMatching Integer 16 The total number of matching parts for the submitted request.
MaxAllowedPage Integer 2 The max number of pages the user can visit for the request above.
uid Integer 53858307092435767867 Unique ID of the part/article.
dataSupplierId Integer 30 The ID of the data supplier in TecDoc.
articleNumber String 0 001 107 405 The part number in TecDoc.
mfrId Integer 530 The ID of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
mfrName String Bosch The name of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
misc > articleStatusId Integer 1 The ID of the part status.
misc > articleStatusDescription String Normal The description regarding the ID of the part status.
misc > articleStatusValidFromDate Date The data from which the status is valid.
misc > quantityPerPackage Integer 1 The quantity per package.
misc > quantityPerPartPerPackage Integer 0 The quantity per part per package.
misc > isSelfServicePacking Boolean false
misc > hasMandatoryMaterialCertification Boolean false
misc > isAccessory Boolean false A notice whether the part is an accessory.
misc > batchSize1
misc > batchSize2
genericArticles > genericArticleId Integer 2 Product group ID
genericArticles > genericArticleDescription String Starter Product group description
gtins Integer 3165143365021 EAN number
tradeNumbers String R70-M10 12V (R) The trade number of the part.
oemNumbers > articleNumber String DS7T 11000 GA OE number
oemNumbers > mfrId Integer 36 ID of the OE part manufacturer
oemNumbers > mfrName String Ford Name of the OE part manufacturer
replacesArticles > articleNumber String 0 001 107 404 The part number which got replaced by this part.
replacesArticles > dataSupplierId Integer 30 The ID of the data supplier in TecDoc.
replacesArticles > mfrId Integer 530 The ID of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
replacesArticles > mfrName String Bosch The name of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
replacedByArticles > articleNumber String 0 001 107 435 The part number which replaces this part.
replacedByArticles > dataSupplierId Integer 30 The ID of the data supplier in TecDoc.
replacedByArticles > mfrId Integer 530 The ID of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
replacedByArticles > mfrName String Bosch The name of the manufacturer in TecDoc.
articleCriteria > criteriaId Integer 751 The ID of the part number criteria.
mainArticle - - -
partslist - - -
articleCriteria > criteriaDescription String Rated Voltage [V] The description of the part number criteria.
articleCriteria > criteriaType String N The type of criteria.
articleCriteria > rawValue String 12 The raw value of the part criteria.
articleCriteria > formatedVal String 12 A formatted value of the part criteria.
articleCriteria > immediateDisplay Boolean true
articleCriteria > isMandatory Booloean false A notice whether the criteria is mandatory.
articleCriteria > isInterval Boolean false
pdfs > url URL An URL to a PDF document related the part.
images > url URL http://... The URL to an image path.
images > type String JPG The type of image.
links > url URL http://... The URL to an external link, e.g. Youtube video.
match String Part Number The type of found match.
searchQuery String 0 001 107 405 The query the search for requested.

JSON Output

    "totalMatching": 2,
    "maxAllowedPage": 0,
    "articles": [
            "dataSupplierId": 30,
            "articleNumber": "0 001 107 405",
            "mfrId": 530,
            "mfrName": "BOSCH",
            "misc": {
                "articleStatusId": 1,
                "articleStatusDescription": "Normal",
                "articleStatusValidFromDate": 20190505,
                "quantityPerPackage": 1,
                "quantityPerPartPerPackage": 0,
                "isSelfServicePacking": false,
                "hasMandatoryMaterialCertification": false,
                "isRemanufacturedPart": false,
                "isAccessory": false,
                "batchSize1": null,
                "batchSize2": null
            "genericArticles": [
                    "genericArticleId": 2,
                    "genericArticleDescription": "Starter"
            "articleText": null,
            "gtins": [
            "tradeNumbers": [
                "R70-M10 12V (R)"
            "oemNumbers": [
                    "articleNumber": "DS7T 11000 GA",
                    "mfrId": 36,
                    "mfrName": "FORD"
                    "articleNumber": "93176051",
                    "mfrId": 84,
                    "mfrName": "OPEL"
                    "articleNumber": "93176051",
                    "mfrId": 84,
                    "mfrName": "OPEL"
                    "articleNumber": "93176051",
                    "mfrId": 84,
                    "mfrName": "OPEL"
                    "articleNumber": "93176051",
                    "mfrId": 84,
                    "mfrName": "OPEL"
                    "articleNumber": "93176051",
                    "mfrId": 117,
                    "mfrName": "VAUXHALL"
            "replacesArticles": [
                    "articleNumber": "0 001 107 404",
                    "dataSupplierId": 30,
                    "mfrId": 530,
                    "mfrName": "BOSCH"
            "replacedByArticles": [
                    "articleNumber": "0 001 107 435",
                    "dataSupplierId": 30,
                    "mfrId": 530,
                    "mfrName": "BOSCH"
            "articleCriteria": [
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                    "criteriaDescription": "Rated Voltage [V]",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
                    "rawValue": "12",
                    "formatedVal": "12",
                    "immediateDisplay": true,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
                    "criteriaId": 113,
                    "criteriaDescription": "Rated Power [kW]",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
                    "rawValue": "1,1",
                    "formatedVal": "1,1",
                    "immediateDisplay": true,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
                    "criteriaId": 1094,
                    "criteriaDescription": "Number of mounting bores",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
                    "rawValue": "2",
                    "formatedVal": "2",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
                    "criteriaId": 977,
                    "criteriaDescription": "Number of Thread Bores",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "0",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaDescription": "Number of Teeth",
                    "criteriaType": "A",
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                    "formatedVal": "9",
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                    "isMandatory": false,
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                    "formatedVal": "50",
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                    "isInterval": false
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                    "formatedVal": "30",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
                    "criteriaId": 698,
                    "criteriaDescription": "Flange Ø [mm]",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
                    "rawValue": "68",
                    "formatedVal": "68",
                    "immediateDisplay": true,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "K",
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                    "formatedVal": "Clockwise rotation",
                    "immediateDisplay": true,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "18,5",
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                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "K",
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                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
                    "rawValue": "8,5",
                    "formatedVal": "8,5",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaDescription": "Bore Ø 2 [mm]",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "8,5",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaDescription": "Length [mm]",
                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "198,3",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "122",
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                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "131,25",
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                    "isInterval": false
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                    "formatedVal": "links",
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                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "75",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "formatedVal": "105",
                    "immediateDisplay": false,
                    "isMandatory": false,
                    "isInterval": false
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                    "criteriaType": "N",
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                    "isMandatory": false,
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            "articleNumber": "C1087B",
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            "mfrName": "LPR",
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                "batchSize2": null
            "genericArticles": [
                    "genericArticleId": 124,
                    "genericArticleDescription": "Cable, parking brake"
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            "gtins": [
            "tradeNumbers": [
            "oemNumbers": [
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                    "mfrName": "FORD"
                    "articleNumber": "432660B",
                    "mfrId": 549,
                    "mfrName": "BENDIX"
                    "articleNumber": "BC2165",
                    "mfrId": 622,
                    "mfrName": "QUINTON HAZELL"
                    "articleNumber": "GCH1143",
                    "mfrId": 798,
                    "mfrName": "TRW"
                    "articleNumber": "40949",
                    "mfrId": 1300,
                    "mfrName": "PEX"
                    "articleNumber": "11563",
                    "mfrId": 2598,
                    "mfrName": "COFLE"
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                    "mfrId": 2690,
                    "mfrName": "KAGER"
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                    "mfrName": "FIRST LINE"
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            "articleCriteria": [
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