Part Linkage Search

This request outputs all available vehicle linkages plus criteria for a specific part number.

Query URL

Query parameter

Name Type Required Example Description
country String Yes CN This is the country code according to ISO 3166.
lang String Yes EN This is the language code according to ISO 639.
uid String Yes 53744604742035430661 Unique ID of the part/article.
page Integer No 1 Page number when the results are split to several pages.
perpage Integer No 1 Number of items per page.

JSON Input - Note: This request shows all parameter. You won't get any result if you request it.

  "country": "CN",
  "lang": "EN",
  "page": 1,
  "perpage": 100


A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response with following parameter.

Name Type Example Description
totalMatching Integer 16 The total number of matching vehicles for the submitted request.
MaxAllowedPage Integer 2 The max number of page the user can visit when requested vehicles for a specific page.
uid Integer 53744604742035430661 Unique ID of the part/article.
articleNumber String 0 001 107 405 The part number in TecDoc.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrId Integer 21 The ID of the attribute.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrIsConditional Boolean false A notice whether the attribute is conditional or not.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrIsInterval Boolean true
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrName String Construction year to The name of the attribute.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrShortName String Model year to A shortname of the attribute.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrType String D The type of attribute.
linkedArticleImmediateAttributs > attrValue String 201105 The final value of the attribute.
linkedVehicles > carDesc String 0.9 A short description regarding the vehicle
linkedVehicles > carId Integer 110221 The ID of the vehicle in TecDoc.
linkedVehicles > constructionType String Platform/Chassis The construction type of the vehicle.
linkedVehicles > cylinderCapacity Integer 943 The cylinder capacity from the vehicle.
linkedVehicles > manuDesc String DONGFENG XIAOKANG The name of the vehicle manufacturer.
linkedVehicles > manuId Integer 3152 The ID of the vehicle manufacturer in TecDoc
linkedVehicles > modelDesc String K01 Platform/Chassis The model name of the vehicle.
linkedVehicles > modelId Integer 13667 The ID of the vehicle model in TecDoc
linkedVehicles > powerHpTo Integer 45 The max. horse power of vehicle.
linkedVehicles > powerKwTo Integer 33 The max. kw of vehicle.
linkedVehicles > yearOfConstructionFrom Integer 200811 The contructions year when the vehicle was first build.
linkedVehicles > yearOfConstructionTo Integer The year when the vehicle was last build. If field is empty, then the vehicle is still in construction.
linkingTargetId Integer 110221 The ID of the vehicle in TecDoc.

JSON Output

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