Katashiki Search (KType) - Asia Pacific Area

This request allows you to get all TecDoc vehicles for a specific Katashiki number. In order to use the API you have to have a valid token for your account. If you don't have a token, then please contact your TecAlliance support.

Query URL


Request Header

Header name Description Examples
Content-Type Indicates the content type that is used in the body of the request. The supported content type is JSON. application/json
Authorization This is the API-key or authorization key for VIN DB. This will grant you access to Katashiki to kType. jxEMMCMMyDODMyNuzUM0uzOUz0D1MONM

Query parameter

Name Type Required Example Description
katashiki String Yes DBA-NA9 This is the Katashiki number
language String Yes en You can get the results in English (en) or Chinese (zh)

JSON Input

  "katashiki": "DBA-NA9",
  "language": "en"


A successful request returns the status code 200 and a JSON response with following parameter.

Name Type Example Description
kType String 27563 This is the TecDoc kType number of the vehicle.
ccmTech Integer 3628 -
constructionType String Closed Off-Road Vehicle This is the contruction type of the vehicle.
cylinder Integer 8 This outputs the number of cylinder for the selected vehicle.
cylinderCapacityCcm Integer 3628 This is the cylinder capacity in ccm.
cylinderCapacityLiter Integer 360 This is the cylinder capacity in liter. It has to be divided by 100.
fuelType String Diesel This is the fuel type of the vehicle.
fuelTypeProcess String Direct Injection This is the way of supplying oil.
impulsionType String All-wheel Drive This is the drive mode of the vehicle.
manuId Integer 1820 This is the TecDoc vehicle manufacturer ID.
manuName String LAND ROVER This is the name of the vehicle manufacturer.
modId Integer 4869 This is the ID of the TecDoc vehicle model.
modelName String RANGE ROVER (2002-2012) Closed Off-Road Vehicle L322 This is the name of the TecDoc vehice model.
motorType String Diesel This is the motor type, e.g. Diesel, gasoline etc.
powerHpFrom Integer 272 This is the horse power of the vehicle engine.
powerHpTo Integer 272 This is the horse power of the vehicle engine.
powerKwFrom Integer 200 This is the power in KW of the vehicle engine.
powerKwTo Integer 200 This is the power in KW of the vehicle engine.
typeName String 3.6 TD 8 4x4 This is the type name of the vehicle.
typeNumber Integer 23050 This is the vehicle number and equal to kType.
valves Integer 4 This is the number of valves per cylinder.
yearOfConstrFrom Integer 2006/04/01 This is the starting year of the vehicle contructions.
yearOfConstrTo Integer 2012/08/01 This is the ending year of the vehicle contructions. If the value is empty, then this vehicle is still under consruction.

JSON Output

    "stateCode": 200,
    "totalMatching": 1,
    "data": [
            "kType": "14471",
            "ccmTech": "1699",
            "constructionType": "Estate Van",
            "cylinder": "4",
            "cylinderCapacityCcm": "1699",
            "cylinderCapacityLiter": 170,
            "fuelType": "Diesel",
            "fuelTypeProcess": "Prechamber Engine",
            "impulsionType": "Front Wheel Drive",
            "manuId": "84",
            "manuName": "OPEL",
            "modId": "4583",
            "modelName": "ASTRA F70",
            "motorType": "Diesel",
            "powerHpFrom": "68",
            "powerHpTo": "68",
            "powerKwFrom": "50",
            "powerKwTo": "50",
            "typeName": "1.7 TD",
            "typeNumber": "14471",
            "engineCode": "X 17 DTL",
            "valves": "2",
            "yearOfConstrFrom": "1999/01/01",
            "yearOfConstrTo": "2005/04/01"