ChinaID Part linkage (based on ChinaID)
This request outputs all linked vehicle for a specific part number. You can either request it by using the article number of a product (articleNubmer) or filter the result of specif brand by combining the request with dataSupplierId and articleNubmer.
Query URL
Query parameter
Name | Type | Required | Example | Description |
lang | String | Yes | EN | This is the language code according to ISO 639. |
uid | String | Either uid or dataSupplierId/articleNumber | 53744604742035430661 | Unique ID of the part/article. |
dataSupplierId | Integer | Either uid or dataSupplierId/articleNumber | 161 | Data supplier ID based on TecDoc/ChinaID. |
articleNumber | String | Either uid or dataSupplierId/articleNumber | PJQ236 | Part number of the item. |
page | Integer | No | 1 | Page number when the results are split to several pages. |
perpage | Integer | No | 1 | Number of items per page. |
JSON Input
"lang": "EN",
"uid": "53744604742035430661",
"dataSupplierId": 161,
"articleNumber": "PJQ236",
"page": 1,
"perpage": 100
A successful request returns the HTTP 200 OK status code and a JSON response with following parameter.
Name | Type | Example | Description |
totalMatching | Integer | 16 | The total number of matching vehicles for the submitted request. |
MaxAllowedPage | Integer | 2 | The max number of page the user can visit when requested vehicles for a specific page. |
shortId | String | MM05003016D0005 | the standard model library unique ID (consisting of "modelId" & "serial number"); |
modelId | String | MM05003016D | model ID (by "brand & manufacturer & car & car" & "displacement" & "transmission abbreviation"); Example: MM05003016D decomposition: MM05003 only represents "brand MINI" "manufacturer MINI" "carriage Countryman" "model Cooper Countryman All 4"; 16 stands for: "displacement 1.6"; D stands for "transmission referred to as hand-integrated" |
chinaIdStatus | String | 2019.2.22新添 | shortId status (indicating whether the vehicle model information has been deleted or newly added); |
oversea | String | 海外车 | yes/no overseas car (used to distinguish whether it is a parallel imported model); |
ktype | Integer | 108611 | ktype_id (corresponding ktype model library ID); |
brand | String | MINI | brand (is the name given by the manufacturer to a class of vehicles, for example: MINI); |
manufacturer | String | MINI | manufacturer (factory attached to VIN factory); |
model | String | Countryman | car series (model series: refers to the name used by the manufacturer to indicate small categories such as price, size or weight mark); |
modelType | String | Cooper Countryman All 4 | model (model model: refers to the name given by the manufacturer to vehicles of the same type, brand, type, series and body type); |
salesName | String | 1.6T 手自一体 Excitement | sales version (mainly used to describe the vehicle configuration level); |
modelDesign | String | R60 | chassis number (model development code: means that the manufacturer distinguishes the old and new models from the same model); |
modelYear | Integer | 2014 | model (model year: which year is the annual model); |
vehicleType | String | SUV | Vehicle type (refers to the general shape characteristics, including design and purpose to distinguish vehicle types, such as: cars, sports cars, buses, trucks...); |
vehicleLevel | String | Level (body level: the body level is distinguished according to the size, quality and speed of the vehicle shape, for example: mini car, small car, medium car, large car...); | |
listingYear | Integer | 2014 | the year of listing (the official version of this model is officially announced to enter the market); |
discountinuationYear | Integer | 2016 | the year of discontinuation (the official version of this model is officially declared to stop production); |
engineCode | String | N18B16A | Engine model (refers to the characteristics of the power unit, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, the displacement and the static braking power, etc. The total weight of the dome mounted on a passenger car or multi-purpose passenger car or vehicle is 10000 lb or less. The engine on the 10000 lb truck should be marked with the professional manufacturer and model); |
capacityLitre | String | 1.6 T | displacement (refers to the characteristics of the power plant, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, displacement and static braking power, etc.); |
charging | String | 涡轮增压 | the form of intake (refers to the form of the fuel engine entering the engine when it is working, common: natural inhalation, turbocharging, supercharging, double boosting...); |
maximumOutputPs | Integer | 122 | maximum horsepower (refers to the characteristics of the power unit, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, displacement and static braking power, etc.); |
maximumOutputKw | Integer | 90 | maximum power (refers to the characteristics of the power unit, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, displacement and static braking power, etc.); |
cylinderCount | Integer | 4 | number of cylinders (refers to the characteristics of the power unit, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, displacement and static braking power, etc.); |
valveCountPerCylinder | Integer | 4 | the number of valves per cylinder (the number of valves per cylinder of the engine, the valves refer to: intake and exhaust valves); |
fuelType | String | 汽油 | type of fuel (refers to the characteristics of the power unit, such as the fuel used, the number of cylinders, displacement and static braking power, etc.); |
mixturePreperation | String | 直喷 | the way of supplying oil (refers to the way in which the engine work needs to burn the mixed gas to do work, and the fuel is mixed with the air entering the engine, for example: direct injection, mixing, multi-point, single point...); |
transmissionType | String | 自动 | gearbox type (automatic/manual); |
transmissionDescription | String | 手自一体变速器(AMT) | Transmission description (refers to an important device on the vehicle transmission system, to achieve the transition between starting, low speed, high speed driving, such as: manual transmission, automatic transmission, manual transmission, dual clutch transmission... ); |
driveSystem | String | 四轮驱动 | drive mode (refers to the number of drive wheels, the form of the position, for example: front wheel drive); |
frontBrakeType | String | 盘式 | type of front brake (refers to the type of brake on the front wheel, for example: disc type, drum type...); |
rearBrakeType | String | 盘式 | type of rear brake (refers to the type of brake of the rear wheel, for example: disc type, drum type...); |
boxDesign | String | 两厢 | body type (according to the general structure or shape of the vehicle, there are several separate spaces in the car, such as single compartment, hatchback, and sedan); |
doorCount | Integer | 5 | number of doors; |
seatCount | Integer | 5 | number of seats; |
frontTyreSpecification | String | 205/55 R17 | front tire specifications (international standard tire code, the percentage of the section width and flatness ratio in millimeters and the diameter of the rim, eg 205/55 R17); |
rearTyreSpecification | String | 205/55 R17 | rear tire specifications (international standard tire code, in millimeters to indicate the percentage of section width and flatness ratio and rim diameter, eg: 205/55 R17); |
spareTyreStandard | String | 非全尺寸 | spare tire specification (refers to the difference between the spare tire and the original tire, for example: full size, non-full size...); |
JSON Output
"totalMatching": 10,
"maxAllowedPage": 10,
"linkages": [
"chinaId": "AA02003160A000011",
"shortId": "AA02003160A0003",
"chinaIdStatus": "",
"oversea": "",
"ktype": "17825",
"brand": "Aston Martin",
"manufacturer": "阿斯顿·马丁(进口)",
"model": "DB9",
"modelType": "DB9",
"salesName": "6.0L 手动",
"modelDesign": "",
"modelYear": "2004",
"vehicleType": "SportyCar",
"vehicleLevel": "Premiun midsize vehicle",
"listingYear": "2004",
"discontinuationYear": "2004",
"engineCode": "AM04",
"capacityLitre": "6.0 L",
"capacityCubic": "5935",
"charging": "Naturally aspirated",
"maximumOutputPs": "456",
"maximumOutputKw": "335",
"cylinderCount": "12",
"valveCountPerCylinder": "4",
"fuelType": "Petrol",
"gearsCount": "6",
"mixturePreparation": "Intake Manifold Injection",
"transmissionType": "Manual",
"transmissionDescription": "MT",
"driveSystem": "RWD",
"frontBrakeType": "Disc brake",
"rearBrakeType": "Disc brake",
"boxDesign": "Three box",
"doorCount": "2",
"seatCount": "4",
"frontTyreSpecification": "235/40 R19",
"rearTyreSpecification": "275/35 R19",
"spareTyreStandard": ""